Opportunities for Skill Training through State Level Skill Missions

Following state level skill missions run and fund multiple skill development programs:

State Skill Development Missions (SSDMs)

  • PMKVY CSSM (Centrally Sponsored State Managed)
  • State Owned Schemes (PMKUVA - Maharashtra, MMKVY- Chhattisgarh, ASAP – Kerala, Surya – Haryana, Mission Shakti – Odisha)
  • World Bank Funded Scheme (including SANKALP, UKWDP)

State Urban Livelihood Mission (SULMs)

  • Employable Skill Training & Placement (EST&P) component under Day-NULM scheme

State Rural Livelihood Mission (SRLMs)

  • DDU-GKY scheme

State Nodal Agencies (SNAs)

  • PMFME scheme (Prime Minister Formalization of Micro Enterprises)

District Level Skill Projects as a part of SANKALP projects

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