National Policy on Skilling and provisions for CSR

As per Clause 6.13 of “Governance Structure and Financing” under National Policy for Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, 2015 - “To attract funds from industry, companies will be encouraged to spend at least 25% of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds on skill development initiatives directly or through NSDF. Further, industry should earmark at least 2% of its payroll bill (including for contract labour) for skill development initiatives in their respective sectors. These funds can be channelized for skill development activities either through respective SSCs or through NSDF”

Reference Link: 09/National%20Policy%20on%20Skill%20Development%20and%20Entreprenurship%20Final.pdf

Skill Development project under CSR:

As per Point No. (ii) under schedule VII of Companies Act, 2013 – “Promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocational skills especially among children, women, elderly, and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects are covered under CSR activities

FICSI profile for CSR projects

Food Industry Capacity & Skill Initiative (FICSI) is an industry led autonomous body mandated to create skilled manpower for Food Processing Industries and to establish and promote food processing related knowledge and improve skills of the food handlers/workers in the Food Processing sector. FICSI is also registered under NCVET as an Awarding Agency.

80 G and 12 A Certificates: FICSI possesses 80G/12A Certificates AAAAF3006AF20206

CSR Form 1: Registration No. CSR00017091

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Project Themes for Social Impact Projects

1. Projects for Self-Help Groups (SHGs)

Upskilling of SHG's: FICSI proposes to upskill self-help groups through training and capacity building with an aims to provide enhanced livelihood opportunities and inculcate entrepreneurial qualities in the beneficiaries.

Upskilling of Street Food Vendors: This project aims to provide enhanced livelihood opportunities and inculcate entrepreneurial qualities in the beneficiaries. FICSI is planning to tale up 5 such projects which will require a funding of 20 lakh each.

2. Livelihood Generation Programs under Recruit Train Deploy (RTD) model

Under Recruit-Train- Deploy model FICSI would train candidates for meeting specific manpower needs of one or a group of companies. The candidates will undergo a hands-on-training as required by the partnering factories and post training these candidates may be absorbed as apprentices by them.

3. Clean Safe Food Hub

In India, every state has its own famous/unique food streets which showcases its local and regional cuisine and becomes a tourist attraction point. However, these food streets are staggering under the widespread concern on basic hygiene practices and perceived as unsafe. FICSI aims to upgrade these existing street food hubs across the country and provide safe & Hygienic local cuisine experiences through Training and Capacity building of these street food vendors. After the training, credibility will be provided by recognizing such streets as ‘Clean Street Food Hub’ though plaques/certificate of excellence as per Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

4. Entrepreneurship Development for Women and Young aspirants

Food processing sector has witnessed larger participation of women and youth at household level. FICSI proposes to provide training to women entrepreneurs/aspirant entrepreneurs in food processing (such as pickle, jam, jelly, squash preparation, bread and bakery products) so that they can be encouraged to start their own venture. FICSI will also provide handholding support on setting up of the business.

5. Rice Fortification

India has received its momentum on food fortification, especially for rice, with the special mentioned by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on his nationwide address on 75th Independence Day to include fortified rice in mid-day meal programme for children. Nearly, 65% of Indian population consumed rice as a major staple. Rice added with minerals such as iron, folic zinc, vitamin A, folate, and B vitamins, clasps the potential to address widespread anaemia. This can be considered as an excellent opportunity to hasten its implementation. Government of India is focused on promoting rice fortification in all safety net schemes.

FICSI proposes to provide skilling in rice fortification for millers and provide technical skill. FICSI has already developed curriculum and training structure of the program.

6. Creating of Bakery Skilling Infrastructure for National Skill training Institutes under Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

Bakery is one of the major sub sector under food processing which can attract huge employment as well as can generate entrepreneurship opportunities with minimal investment. Moreover, introduction of value-added bakery products is giving an impetus to the market growth. Apart from this, busy lifestyles, changing eating habits and western influence has reflected in a strong demand for bakery products in India. National Skill Training institute under Government of India provides training in various skilling sector in food processing where bread and bakery is one of the focused sector. FICSI proposes to set up skilling infrastructure in such training institutes specially in Women NSTI. The equipment and machineries used for this skilling program may be funded by the CSR organization

Accomplishment of FICSI-Major Social Impact Projects

  • Skilling Program for Food Handlers: FICSI has taken up projects across India to implement the Recognition under Prior Learning Program for 85,000 Food Handlers in Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. Amongst those 45,000 food handlers were also trained in FSSAI-FoSTaC training and certified as Food Safety Supervisors. FICSI has facilitated training of over 100 certified Trainers in various FoSTaC courses through its affiliated training providers.
  • Recognition Prior Learning Program with Marine Products Export Development Authority: Training and certification of 6,000 fish and seafood processing technician under RPL mode in coastal areas.
  • Adarsh Gram Skill Camp Project: Training and Certification of 3,000 food handlers in 25 Adarsh Gram as part of World Bank funded projects of SANKALP Program of MSDE.
  • Skill Training of Women under Maharashtra State Skill Development Society: short term training of 630 candidates (preferably women) in food processing job role with the objectives of women empowerment and livelihood opportunities.
  • Uttarakhand Work Force Development Project (UKWDP): Target allocated of 5000 candidates have been received for food processing sector for placement linked skill training.
  • Skill training Program with different State Skill Missions: Projects including fresh skilling and RPL for food handlers are going on across the Nation.
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