RPL Scheme

RPL is a certification program to provide recognition to the informal learning or learning through work to get equal acceptance as the formal levels of education. It aims to appreciate prior learning irrespective of the medium of achieving it. In short, RPL is a process of assessment of an individual’s prior learning to give due importance to learning as an outcome rather than learning as process.

To ensure that the candidates being assessed under RPL are also oriented to the standardized National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) levels, QP-NOSs that would be followed under RPL will be same as the one followed under fresh training.


The Structure

  • RPL is a way of benchmarking competencies and mapping skill gaps
  • It is targeted to individuals with prior experience, who may have acquired skills informally or on the job.
  • Aims to level the playing field between academically or formally trained and the unskilled or informally trained workforce of the country.
  • The program intends to enhance productivity amongst employees and offer them a chance to compete on a larger scale

Benefits to Employee

  • No fee charged for assessment and certification.
  • RPL recognizes the value of learning acquired outside a formal setting and provides a government certificate for an individual’s skills.
  • Successfully certified candidates shall receive a pay-out of Rs 500
  • Candidate receive exposure to concepts of digital and financial literacy
  • Candidate receive an accidental insurance coverage for three years at free of cost.
  • Skill certificate can be further used for taking up next level of job role in the respective skill sector.

Benefits to Employer

  • Recognition of the employer as a Best In Class Employer (B.I.C.E.)
  • Assessment of their current workforce
  • Get a certified recognition for the workforce
  • No costing involved
  • Candidate receive an accidental insurance coverage for three years at free of cost.
  • Certificate will be co- branded and carry the logo of Employer.

RPL Guidelines:


For details contact our Industry SPOC:

Ms. Santosh Punia

Head - Assessment & PMKVY

Shriram Bharatiya Kala Kendra, 3rd floor, 1, Copernicus Marg, Mandi House, New Delhi, Delhi 110001 Landmark: Opposite Doordarshan Bhawan

+91 9711260230


Conducted RPL with:

Enroll For Recognition Of Prior Learning

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